Got 2 Star 6 Cost Mel ⭐⭐ (2,24% Chance to get a single 6 Cost Unit...) TFT4ONLY 10:40 7 days ago 3 253 Далее Скачать
I got ALL 3 Star 6 Cost ⭐⭐⭐ in Tocker's Trials... | TFT Arcane Set 13 Lemuria TFT 16:31 4 days ago 34 140 Далее Скачать
I hit 8 Sorcerer, opened The Golden Egg AND found ALL of the New 6 Cost Champions. It was insane. shurkou TFT 36:21 1 day ago 38 685 Далее Скачать
NEW 6 Cost UNITS! Warwick, Mel, Viktor from ARCANE! | Set 13 Lemuria TFT 10:25 7 days ago 27 431 Далее Скачать
They added extremely rare 6 Cost Units to TFT. I managed to find TWO of them, they're insane. shurkou TFT 35:47 7 days ago 130 372 Далее Скачать
All 6 Cost 2 Star (Mel, Warwick + Viktor) + 3 Star Sevika | Set 13 TFT TFT4ONLY 9:57 6 days ago 1 837 Далее Скачать
Got the New 6 Cost Units (Mel and Viktor) + 3 Star LeBlanc! TFT4ONLY 9:27 7 days ago 1 883 Далее Скачать
I found ALL of Kog's AND Scar's favourite items so I 3 Starred them. Then I found a rare 6 Cost. shurkou TFT 34:47 4 days ago 15 260 Далее Скачать
My LeBlanc was doing 11'006 DMG but I lost anyway. Then I found a 0.6% Mel, the rest is history. shurkou TFT 38:07 5 days ago 17 434 Далее Скачать
Mel Gibson Exposed Hollywood and Paid the Price The Creators 16:12 7 months ago 868 891 Далее Скачать
6 Cost 3 Stars are almost impossible. This guy hit the Easter Egg Cash Out, the rest is history. shurkou TFT 35:32 5 days ago 79 903 Далее Скачать
I HIT THE NEW 6 COST MEL AND FOUND HER SUPER SECRET PASSIVE Rakan IRL 40:07 6 days ago 1 225 Далее Скачать